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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Day Committee, Inc.

Established in 1989, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Day Committee, Inc. of Washington, DC,

Is a non-profit organization founded by the late Rev. Dr. Robert Hamilton, Jr. along with other local ministers, community leaders and volunteers for the pupose of educating and promoting the National Birthday Holiday of Dr. king Martin Luther King, Jr.

The first Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration held in 1990 consisted of an evening of entertainment and remembrance honoring the life and legacy of Dr. King. This event featured local and national artists and included a 1,000 voice choir formed especially for the event.

That year, "The Dream Team", an adult basketball team composed of mentors from the Police Boys and Girls Club #2 was established. Over the years, the team went on to win numerous championships.

The vision of the committee grew to its present weekend full of activities, which includes the Youth Symposium, Gospel Concert, Black Tie Gala Reception, Celebrity Celebration Performance, Interfaith Worship Service and recently a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the African American Civil War Memorial.

Each year noted national and local artists are invited to share in the celebration. Past participants have included steve Wonder, The Winans, Kenny Latimore, Tony Terry, Melba Moore, Dough E. Fresh and many more.

Annually, the Committee selects and recognizes local and national individuals who have distinguished themselves in service to our country, community and humanity. The Dream Keepers awards are presented to those who are committed to keeping the "vision" and "Dream" of Dr. Marin Luther king, Jr., alive. The honorees and scholarship recipients are recognized at the Black Tie Gala. Each year, a different embassy hosts the gala. Over the years, we have been honored to be the guests of various embassies and ambassadors, including: South Africa, Canada, France, Turkey and Russian Federation.

Since its inception, the Dr. Martin Luther king, Jr. Committee, Inc. has had the good fortune to provide all of its activities with the exception of the Black Tie Gala, at no cost to the public. Donations from the guests attending the Black Tie Gala are used to defray the cost of the weekend activities and provide the academic scholarships.

The Committee has been able to provide all of these activities because of the generous donations from corporations, associations and individuals who share in its commitments to keeping the "Dream" alive. The volunteers give of their time, talents and resources to develop a productive and successful weekend for the entire community's enjoyment.

Plans are being developed for a mentorship and tutorial program.

Over the last 15 years more than 100,000 people have participated in our Martin Luther King, Jr. activities. The Committee's activities and events expose many of those participants to enriching cultural activities that absent the committee's leadership, they many not have experience.

e-mail address-jtsp83@yahoo.com

Web Site mlk.1colony.com

